安全開關繼電器 - Awax26XXL

安全開關繼電器 - Awax26XXL






產品規格︰ Polyvalent safety relays with removable terminals, which allow to ensure the control of any safety switches with 2 auxiliary contacts as well as the safety switches with Acotom process. It is equipped 4 or 8 safety lines of 8A/250V. The DLC system is integrated (short-circuit detection). It is supplied with a dip switch, which allows the selection of the reset mode : automatic or manual. The AWAX27XXL can control 2 different areas.

The AWAX26XXL has been approved by TÜV in category 4.

The AWAX26XXL is UL/CSA approved.

主要市場︰ 中國, 香港, 澳門, 台灣

參考單价︰ 按數量定價

付款方式︰ 預付款

最小訂量︰ 不設

交貨日期︰ 如無現貨, 交期5週